Vocabulary Navigation Made Easier
Sonya Nikolova, Xiaojuan Ma, Marilyn Tremaine, Perry Cook
IUI 2010 - Hong Kong
Searching a dictionary for a particular word can be a difficult and time consuming task. Additionally, users are required to know the word they are looking for. In some cases people suffer from aphasia, a cognitive disorder which causes difficulty in finding the correct word choice for a particular thought process. This paper proposes a system, ViVA, which is visual in nature and contributes to faster word finding by associating words together based on human judgements of semantic similarity. The system was tested against a LG vocabulary without associations being placed between words. ViVA performed better in the ease of finding a particular word. Additionally, participants were able to discover associations between words they were previously unaware of. Future work involves testing with those not fluent in the language.
This seems like it would be a great tool for learning a new language or for children learning their first languages. The testing doesn’t give a clear picture of the associations made, and the interface is a bit confusing, but conceptually this is a great idea and a novel creation. I think it would be fascinating to observe some of the associations which are generated by this system. I’d be curious to see if many incorrect associations are made or any unthought of similarities are discovered.

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