Monday, March 21, 2011

Opening Skinner's Box - Full Blog

Opening Skinner's Box: Great Psychological Experiments of the Twentieth Century
Lauren Slater
W.W. Norton & Company, 2008

Opening Skinner's Box is a survey of the greatest, most influential and controversial psychological experiments of the twentieth century. The book focuses not only on the content of the research, but also the surrounding setting and the lasting effects of the findings. Beginning with B.F. Skinner himself, the author examines the concept of conditioning animals to perform based on a reward system and positive reinforcement. Continuing forward, Stanley Milgram's famous obedience to authority experiments are examined, with attempts to contact participants and examine the outcomes of their lives as a result of the experiment. As the book continues, Slater examines Rosenhan's experiments of gaining entry into a mental health facility with a limited set of symptoms. Slater is also sure to entertain readers by participating in the topics she is studying as much as possible, so much so as to try to be admitted into a mental health facility herself. Travelling into frightening territory, the bystander effect is explored, illustrating that the larger the group of people observing, the less likely individuals are to give assistance. Slater then invades the world of cult living as she brings the idea of cognitive dissonance to the foreground. Following this, the true nature of love is envisioned through the eyes of Harlow's monkey attachment experiments. Progressing onward the concept of addiction to drugs is presented from two viewpoints. Finally, the finer points of the human memory and brain are brought into the light with the idea of imagination filling in false memories and the physical aspects of the brain being examined.

Skinner's Box is one of the most interesting reads I have ever encountered. The collection of fascinating researchers and their visions and projects into one volume proves to be quite enjoyable. Additionally, Slater adds interest to the facts by exploring the surrounding settings and even interviewing people connected to the research which was being conducted. Some of the most interesting topics were focused around the ideas of addiction and satisfaction. Computer Scientist can take away many things from Slater's examination of great psychological experiments. Of most importance may be to consider a human's complex nature when designing interfaces. Following design concepts wich account for the psychology of a human will greatly aide us in creating usable systems.

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